What should I look for in a partner?

There are lots of different qualities that you might be attracted to in a person, physically, emotionally, intellectually, or otherwise. Every relationship is unique and it’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of a new partner, whether they’re your first or just your favorite.
All relationships exist on a spectrum from healthy to unhealthy to abusive, and it’s important to know what to look for in a partner — both good and bad — to make sure you’re building a healthy relationship.

Check out more about the RELATIONSHIP SPECTRUM HERE: https://mcwctx.org/outreach-education/healthy-relationships/

How healthy is my relationship?

A healthy partner encourages you to achieve your goals. They don’t resent your accomplishments or make you feel guilty for spending time with other people, and they aren’t excessively jealous.

Ask yourself if:
– Your partner respects you and your individuality.
– You feel safe being open and honest with each other.
– Your partner supports you and your decisions even when they disagree with you.
– You and your partner have equal say and boundaries that are respected.
– Your partner understands and respects your need to spend time with friends or family.
– You can communicate your feelings without being afraid of negative consequences.

Learn more about healthy relationships here: https://mcwctx.org/outreach-education/healthy-relationships/

But my partner doesn’t physically hurt me…

Just because there’s no physical abuse in your relationship doesn’t mean that it’s healthy or that abuse isn’t occurring in other forms.

It’s not healthy if:
– Your partner is inconsiderate, disrespectful, or distrustful.
– Your partner doesn’t communicate their feelings.
– Your partner tries to control you or isolate you emotionally or financially.
– Your partner humiliates you online or in front of your friends.
– Your partner prevents you from getting a job or gets you fired.
– Your partner threatens to out you or reveal information about you to your family or others.

Learn more about healthy relationships here: https://mcwctx.org/outreach-education/what-is-domestic-violence/

When is it abuse?

The line between unhealthy and abusive behavior isn’t always clear, but abusive actions should never be written off as “normal.” No matter the situation, everybody deserves to be in a healthy relationship free from violence, and you should always take it seriously if there’s violence in your relationship.

If you think you might be in an abusive relationship, you may be confused about what to do or afraid of what will happen if you leave or tell others. If you’re physically or financially dependent on your partner, leaving might feel impossible. Remember: you always have options. Our advocates are available 24/7 to discuss your situation at (936) 441-7273 and help you make an informed decision that’s best for you.

Types of abuse…

People often assume physical violence when they hear about abuse, but that’s not always the case. Domestic violence (DV) is a pattern of behaviors used to gain or maintain power and control over a partner — physical violence is just one example of such behavior. While we define DV as a pattern, that doesn’t mean the first instance of abuse isn’t also dating violence; we simply recognize that DV tends to involve a series of abusive behaviors over a course of time.

Remember: no one deserves to experience abuse in any capacity and every type of abuse is serious. If you recognize any of these warning signs in your relationship, you can always reach out to us via text, phone, or live chat.

Types of abuse include: physical, emotional, mental, sexual, financial and religious/ spiritual. Learn more about identifying signs of abuse here: https://mcwctx.org/outreach-education/what-is-domestic-violence/

What is physical abuse?

Physical abuse is any intentional, unwanted contact with you or something close to your body, or any behavior that causes or has the intention of causing you injury, disability, or death. Abusive behavior may not always cause physical pain or leave a bruise, but it’s still unhealthy and should always be taken seriously.

Examples of physical abuse include:
• Scratching, punching, biting, strangling, choking, or kicking.
• Throwing items at you like a phone, book, shoe, or plate.
• Pulling your hair.
• Pushing or pulling you, or forcibly grabbing your clothing.
• Threatening to use or using a gun, knife, box cutter, bat, mace, or other weapon against you.
• Touching any part of you without your permission or consent.
• Forcing you to have sex or perform a sexual act.
• Grabbing your face to make you look at them.
• Preventing you from leaving or forcing you to go somewhere.

Learn more about identifying signs of abuse here: https://mcwctx.org/outreach-education/what-is-domestic-violence/

What to do if you’ve experienced physical abuse

Know that you’re not alone. More than one in ten high school students have already experienced physical aggression from a dating partner, and many were unequipped to respond after it happened. If you’re in a similar situation, the most important thing to remember is that your partner’s abusive behavior is wrong — you are deserving of a healthy, loving, and respectful relationship.

Commit yourself to not making excuses for your partner’s abusive behavior and chat with us now for help creating a safety plan to fit your situation. Steps to consider next include:
– Talk to a trusted friend, family member, or mentor.
– Create a safety plan.
– Obtain a restraining order.
– Contact Montgomery County Women’s Center 24/7 for assistance and referrals (936) 441-7273.

Remember: unhealthy or abusive relationships usually get worse. It’s important to assess your abusive partner’s level and use of force to determine the urgency of your situation and what kind of support you need to get safer.

Learn more about identifying signs of abuse here: https://mcwctx.org/outreach-education/what-is-domestic-violence/

What is emotional abuse?

Emotional abuse includes non-physical behaviors such as threats, insults, constant monitoring or “checking in,” excessive texting, humiliation, intimidation, isolation, or stalking.
Relationships can still be unhealthy or abusive even without physical abuse. Examples of behaviors that qualify as emotional or verbal abuse include:

• Calling you names or putting you down.
• Telling you what to do or wear.
• Yelling or screaming at you.
• Intentionally embarrassing you in front of others or starting rumors about you.
• Preventing you from seeing or communicating with friends or family, or threatening to have your children taken away from you.
• Damaging your property (throwing objects, punching walls, kicking doors, etc.)
• Using online communities or communications to control, intimidate, or humiliate you.
• Blaming abusive or unhealthy behavior on you or your actions.
• Being jealous of outside relationships or accusing you of cheating.
• Stalking you or your loved ones.
• Threatening to harm you, your pet(s), or people in your life.
• Threatening to harm themselves to keep you from ending the relationship.
• Gaslighting you by pretending not to understand or refusing to listen to you; questioning your recollection of facts, events, or sources; trivializing your needs or feelings; or denying previous statements or promises.
• Making you feel guilty or immature when you don’t consent to sexual activity.
• Threatening to expose personal details, such as your sexual orientation or immigration status.

Learn more about identifying signs of abuse here: https://mcwctx.org/outreach-education/what-is-domestic-violence/

What to do if you’ve experienced emotional abuse

Emotional abuse may not always cause visible harm, but it does cause emotional pain and scarring and may lead to physical violence eventually. Constantly being criticized, told you aren’t good enough, or made to question your grasp on reality can cause you to lose confidence in yourself and lower your self-esteem. As a result, you may start to blame yourself for your partner’s abusive behavior — resist this impulse.

Remember: emotional abuse is never, ever your fault. Talk to someone you trust like a close friend, family member, or mentor, and make a plan for your safety.

Learn more about identifying signs of abuse here: https://mcwctx.org/outreach-education/what-is-domestic-violence/

What is sexual abuse?

Sexual abuse refers to any behavior that pressures or coerces someone to do something sexually that they don’t want to do.
It can also refer to behavior that impacts a person’s ability to control their sexual activity or the circumstances in which sexual activity takes place, including oral sex, rape, or controlling reproductive methods and choices.

Everyone has the right to decide what they do or don’t want to do sexually, and not all sexual assaults are violent “attacks.” Most victims of sexual assault know their assailant, and people of all genders and sexualities can be victims or perpetrators of sexual abuse. That includes people who are married, dating, in a “friends with benefits” arrangement, or just acquaintances.

Examples of sexual abuse include:

• Unwanted kissing or touching.
• Unwanted rough or violent sexual activity.
• Refusing to use condoms or restricting someone’s access to birth control.
• Preventing someone from using protection against sexually transmitted infections (STIs).
• Sexual contact with someone intoxicated from drugs or alcohol, unconscious, asleep, or otherwise unable to give clear and informed consent.
• Threatening, pressuring, or otherwise forcing someone to have sex or perform sexual acts.
• Using sexual insults toward someone.
Sexual abuse is never the victim’s fault. Just because someone “didn’t say no” or doesn’t resist unwanted sexual advances doesn’t mean that they consent. Physical resistance can sometimes put victims at higher risk for further abuse, and the narrative that a lack of resistance equals consent makes it more difficult for survivors to report abuse. It’s up to each of us to understand consent and to communicate and respect the boundaries of our intimate partners, without exception.

Learn more about identifying signs of abuse here: https://mcwctx.org/outreach-education/what-is-domestic-violence/

What to do if you’ve experienced sexual abuse

Your safety should always be your first priority. Try to get to a safe place away from your attacker where you can think through your next steps. You may be scared, angry, confused, and hurt — remember that the abuse was not your fault.

Steps to consider next:
• Contact someone you trust. You may be in shock after having been sexually assaulted, and you will almost certainly feel a mix of complex emotions. Having someone there to support you can help you express and process these feelings in a way that doesn’t threaten your safety, and can give you room to focus on your healing while they help with everything else. It’s often useful to speak with a counselor, sexual assault hotline, or support group if you don’t feel comfortable reaching out to a friend or family member.
• Go to an emergency room or health clinic. It’s extremely important for you to seek health care as soon as you can after being assaulted. You can expect to be treated for any injuries, offered medications to help prevent pregnancy and/or STIs, and have tests run to ensure your long term wellbeing. There may also be sexual assault advocates in the area who can assist you and answer any questions. A Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) can provide these services and collect evidence in case you decide to pursue legal action in the future.
• Report what happened. If you determine that it’s safe for you to do so, you may report what happened to law enforcement to pursue criminal legal recourse against your attacker. If you decide to do so, it’s important that you do your best to avoid altering or destroying any evidence of the attack to prepare a stronger legal case. That means don’t shower, wash your hair or body, comb your hair, or change your clothes, even if it’s hard not to. If you’re nervous about going to the police station, it may help to bring a trusted friend with you, keeping in mind any relevant safety considerations for them as well.
Remember: you always have options. Call us 24/7 at (936) 441-7273 to learn more about sexual abuse or to find available resources in your area.

Learn more about identifying signs of abuse here: https://mcwctx.org/outreach-education/what-is-domestic-violence/

What is financial abuse?

Financial abuse often operates in more subtle ways than other forms of abuse, but it can be just as harmful to those who experience it.
Modern conditions of stark economic inequality mean that financial security is directly tied to our health and wellbeing. No one has the right to use money or how you choose to spend it to control your actions or decisions, and no one should control your ability to work.

Examples of financial abuse include:
• Giving you an allowance or monitoring what you buy.
• Depositing your paycheck into an account you can’t access.
• Preventing you from seeing shared bank accounts or records.
• Forbidding you from working or limiting the hours you do.
• Preventing you from going to work by taking your car, keys, or other mode of transportation.
• Getting you fired by harassing you, your employer, or your co-workers.
• Hiding or stealing your student financial aid check or other financial support.
• Using your social security number to obtain loans without your permission.
• Using your child’s social security number to claim an income tax refund without your permission.
• Maxing out your credit cards without permission.
• Refusing to provide you with money, food, rent, medicine, or clothing.
• Using funds from your children’s tuition or a joint savings account without your knowledge.
• Spending money on themselves while preventing you from doing the same.
• Giving you presents or paying for things with the expectation of something in return.
• Using financial circumstances to control you.

What to do if you’ve experienced financial abuse

Financial abuse is usually coupled with emotional or physical abuse. If you’re not in control of your finances or if your partner has taken money from your bank account, it can be especially scary to leave an abusive relationship. Call us 24/7 at (936) 441-7273 to get support and identify local resources to help you regain control over your finances — some organizations may even provide short term loans to cover important expenses while leaving an abusive relationship.
You can also consider talking to a trusted friend, family member, or legal professional about getting a protection order. No matter what you decide to do, consider making a safety plan that includes setting aside funds in a separate, private location.

What is digital abuse?

Digital abuse is the use of technologies like texting and social media to bully, harass, stalk, or intimidate a partner. This behavior is often a form of verbal or emotional abuse, conducted online. All communication in a healthy relationship is respectful, whether in person, online, or over the phone. It’s never okay for your partner to use words or actions to harm you, lower your self-esteem, or manipulate you.

Examples of digital abuse include:
• Telling you who you can or can’t follow or be friends with on social media.
• Sending you negative, insulting, or threatening messages or emails.
• Using social media to track your activities.
• Insulting or humiliating you in their posts online, including posting unflattering photos or videos.
• Sending, requesting, or pressuring you to send unwanted explicit photos or videos, sexts, or otherwise compromising messages.
• Stealing or pressuring your to share your account passwords.
• Constantly texting you or making you feel like you can’t be separated from your phone.
• Looking through your phone or checking up on your pictures, texts, and phone records.
• Using any kind of technology (such as spyware or GPS in a car or phone) to monitor your activities.
What to do if you’ve experienced digital abuse
You never deserve to be mistreated, online or in person. If you’ve experienced digital abuse, we encourage you to contact us so we can talk through the details of your situation and identify available options. Remember:
• Your partner should respect your relationship boundaries. Always.
• You never have to share your passwords with anyone.
• You never have to send any explicit pictures, videos, or messages that you’re uncomfortable sending (“sexting”).
• Sexting can have legal consequences: nude photos or videos of someone under the age of 18 could be considered child pornography, which is illegal to own or distribute.
• It’s okay to turn off your phone or not respond to messages right away. You have the right to your own privacy and to spend time with other people without your partner getting angry. Just be sure that the people who might need to reach you in an emergency still have a way to.
• Save or document threatening messages, photos, videos, or voicemails as evidence of abuse.
• Don’t answer calls from unknown or blocked numbers; your abuser may try calling you from another line if they suspect that you’re avoiding them. Find out if your phone company allows you to block numbers (and how many if so).
• Once you share a post or message, it’s no longer under your control. Abusive partners may save or forward anything you share, so be careful sending content you wouldn’t want others to see.
• Know and understand your privacy settings. Social media platforms allow users to control how their information is shared and who has access to it. These settings are often customizable and may be found in the privacy section of the website. Keep in mind that some apps may require you to change your privacy settings in order to use them.
• Be mindful when checking-in places online, either by sharing your location in a post or by posting a photo with distinguishable backgrounds.
• Ask your friends to always seek permission from you before posting content that could compromise your privacy. Do the same for them.
• Avoid contact with your abuser in any capacity, through any technology, online or in person. Consider changing your phone number if the abuse and harassment don’t stop.

What is stalking?

Stalking occurs when someone watches, follows, or harasses you repeatedly, making you feel afraid or unsafe.
A stalker can be someone you know, a past partner, or a stranger. While the legal definition of stalking varies from state to state, examples of stalking behavior include:

• Showing up at your home or workplace unannounced or uninvited.
• Sending you unwanted texts, messages, letters, emails, or voicemails.
• Leaving you unwanted items, gifts, or flowers.
• Calling you and hanging up repeatedly or making unwanted phone calls to you, your employer, a professor, or a loved one.
• Using social media or technology to track your activities.
• Spreading rumors about you online or in person.
• Manipulating other people to investigate your life, including using someone else’s social media account to look at your profile or befriending your friends in order to get information about you.
• Waiting around at places you spend time.
• Damaging your home, car, or other property.
• Hiring a private investigator to follow or find you as a way of knowing your location or movements.

What to do if you’ve experienced stalking
If you’re being stalked, you’re likely going through a lot of stress, vulnerability, anxiety, and other emotions you may not be able to express right now, which in turn may be affecting your sleep or concentration at work or school. Every year, 3.4 million people in the US experience stalking — youth between the ages of 18 and 24 experience the highest rates. Most people assume that stalkers are strangers, but in reality, three out of four victims of stalking are harassed by someone they know. If you think you may be in danger, contact an emergency service provider to help you reach a safer place, and consider obtaining a protection order to prevent your stalker from coming near you. Understand the risks of contacting law enforcement for your own safety and others, including that the person harassing you may ultimately be arrested and convicted within the criminal legal system.

Regardless of whether you intend to pursue legal action against your stalker, it’s important to save evidence of the abuse for proof in the future if you ever need it. Take time to write down the dates, times, and places of each incident that occurred, including names and contact information for people who may have witnessed what happened. Examples of such evidence include:

• Text messages
• Voicemails.
• Pictures or videos
• Letters, photographs, or cards
• Unwanted items or gifts
• Social media harassment (including inappropriate friend or follow requests)

Stalking is a traumatic experience. You may lose sleep, feel depressed, have nightmares, or feel like you don’t have control over your life because of your experience. These reactions are normal and you should be forgiving of yourself as you heal. It can help to tell a trusted friend or loved one about your experience and work to develop a safety plan.

What are my boundaries?

Having boundaries is like drawing a line. One side has the things you are okay with, and the other side, those that you are not okay with, don’t feel ready for, or make you uncomfortable. This line looks different for everyone, so it is important for you to know where yours needs to be drawn. Setting boundaries is a way to teach your partner about your needs, and let you know when something doesn’t feel right. You are allowed to put your needs before someone else’s needs, especially if their needs make you uncomfortable.
Even though we talk about them in relation to other people, in some ways boundaries are really about your relationship with yourself; they help you honor your needs, goals, feelings and values.

Boundaries can be emotional, physical or even digital. Some examples of personal boundaries might be:
• I’m cool with following each other on social media, but not with sharing passwords
• I’m comfortable kissing and holding hands, but not in public
• I’m okay with regularly texting, but I don’t want to text multiple times in an hour
• I want to spend time with my friends/family on weekends
• I need quiet time to myself every day
• I’m comfortable with some touching, but I’m not ready to have sex

It can be helpful to think through your own boundaries, no matter what your relationship status is. Start by paying attention to how you feel about and react to situations around you, whether in real life or in shows or movies you watch. What makes you feel uncomfortable? What’s important to you? What do you want to keep private? Is there any type of behavior or trait that would not fly with you, ever (sometimes called a “dealbreaker”)? It might be helpful to write down some of your thoughts.

LEARN MORE ABOUT SETTING BOUNDARIES HERE: https://mcwctx.org/outreach-education/healthy-relationships/

Communicating your boundaries

How can you and your partner know each other’s boundaries? By talking about them! Communication is really key in a healthy relationship, and boundaries are an important part of an ongoing conversation between you and your partner. Talking about boundaries can happen whenever, wherever! If your partner does something that you like or don’t like, let them know. A simple, “Hey, I really like it when you…” or “I’m not comfortable when we…” lets them know what’s up. In a healthy relationship, partners respect each other’s boundaries once they’ve been communicated. And if you’re ever not clear on your partner’s boundaries, just ask! Questions like “Is this okay?” or “Are you cool with this?” can help jumpstart the conversation. Just remember: if you don’t want to talk about your boundaries with your partner because you’re afraid they’ll react with anger or violence, that’s a warning sign that your relationship might be unhealthy or abusive.

LEARN MORE ABOUT COMMUNICATING BOUNDARIES HERE: https://mcwctx.org/outreach-education/healthy-relationships/

Healthy vs. unhealthy boundaries

How do you know if a boundary is healthy…or not? It’s important to recognize that healthy boundaries help to protect and respect you; an unhealthy boundary seeks to control or harm someone else. A healthy boundary would be: “I need space to hang out with my friends and do things I enjoy on my own.” But if your partner says, “I need you to stop talking to other guys/girls because you might cheat/I get jealous,” that’s not a healthy boundary; it’s a warning sign that your partner may have some trust issues and is trying to control who you hang out with.

LEARN MORE ABOUT BOUNDARIES HERE: https://mcwctx.org/outreach-education/healthy-relationships/

Can boundaries change?

Can your boundaries change over time? Yes! It’s normal for boundaries to shift as we gain more life experience or get more comfortable in our relationships. We might not be okay with something at the beginning of a relationship, but we might be totally cool with it a few months down the line. On the other hand, we might realize something crosses a boundary for us after experiencing it for the first time. Every person has the right to change their mind about what their boundaries are at any time. What’s important is that you’re communicating any boundary changes to your partner and you’re making changes because YOU want to, not because you’re being pressured, forced or manipulated into making them. You deserve to be safe and respected, and boundaries play a big part in creating healthy relationships that let you be YOU. If you still have questions about setting your own boundaries, we can help you think through them.

Emotional Boundaries

Emotional boundaries are an important part of making sure you feel safe and comfortable in your relationship. Trusting someone means you think that they’re reliable, you have confidence in them, and you feel safe with them physically and emotionally. Real trust takes time to build and requires that partners decide for themselves when they trust each other: you can’t demand or prove it. Emotional boundaries are premised on trust.

If you’re not sure whether or not you trust your partner, ask yourself these questions as a way to assess your situation:
• Is my partner supportive of me and my decisions for myself, both physically and emotionally? Am I supportive of my partner?
• Is my partner consistent in their actions and behaviors? Am I consistent with my partner?
• Does my partner demonstrate their trustworthiness by acting in accordance with what they say? Do they tell me they love me but treat me in unhealthy ways?
• Are you both able to comfortably spend time apart from one another? Do you feel comfortable letting your partner know when you need space or time with friends or family?

Emotional boundaries don’t always come easily, and they can carry a lot of complex feelings. Circumstances that often challenge emotional boundaries include:
• Saying “I love you.” Verbal expressions of love can happen at different times for different people, even in the same relationship. If your partner says it and you don’t feel the same way yet, that’s okay — just because you aren’t ready to say it doesn’t mean you don’t have intimate feelings for them. Let them know how it makes you feel to hear them say it and tell them your own goals for the relationship.

• If your trust was broken in the past. It can be hard to feel comfortable trusting other people again after you’ve had your trust betrayed. Remember that your new partner is not your old partner (or your friend, family member, or someone else who previously broke your trust). Making assumptions about your partner based on the actions of a completely different person isn’t fair to them, even if it affects your thought process.
Trust is a choice, and building trust in your relationship takes time and effort. Most importantly, remember that having trust in yourself is an essential part of trusting others. If you feel unable to trust yourself or other people right now, it might not be the best time for you to be in a relationship.

Physical Boundaries

Respect for physical boundaries can be a good indication of how healthy your relationship is. In a healthy relationship, partners know how far the other wants to go based on open communication, and they feel comfortable communicating with each other if something changes. There are no rules dictating how far you have to go by a certain age or at any given time in a relationship, and your boundaries should always reflect how ready you feel personally.

Remember: sex isn’t currency. You don’t owe your partner anything, and it isn’t fair for them to claim that you don’t care about them because you’ve established or are establishing physical boundaries. Building and respecting physical boundaries depends on open, honest communication.

If you’re trying to find the right way to discuss your boundaries, consider these tips for healthier communication (while keeping in mind any potential risks to your physical safety):

  • Find the right time. If something in your relationship is bothering you and you’d like to discuss it, it will help to do so at the right time. Try to find time and space when you and your partner(s) are calm and undistracted, without other stresses or time constraints. If you’re having trouble finding time to talk, consider scheduling a moment ahead of time.
  • Talk face to face. Avoid discussing serious issues about your relationship in writing. Texts, letters, and emails have the potential for misinterpretation, and talking in person will allow you to prevent unnecessary miscommunications. If you’re having trouble collecting your thoughts, write them down ahead of time — just be sure to read them out loud to your partner directly.
  • Don’t attack each other. Even when we mean well, our language can sometimes come across as harsh because of implications from words or intonation. Using “you” statements to center your anger may make your partner defensive and less receptive. Instead, try to use statements that center your relationship together. For example, instead of saying, “You’ve been distant with me,” consider framing the situation as, “It feels like we haven’t been as close lately.”
  • Check your body language. Let your partner know that you’re listening by giving them your full attention. Sit up, face them directly, and make eye contact when communicating. Don’t try to have a conversation while you’re doing something else like taking a phone call, sending a text, or playing a video game. Show your partner you respect them by listening actively and responding to what they say.
  • Use the 48 hour rule. If your partner’s behavior makes you upset or angry, you need to let them know about it, but you don’t have to do so right away. Wait 48 hours to process your feelings, and if you still feel upset, say something. If not, consider what it was that made you upset in the moment and whether it’s an issue still worth raising. Remember that your partner can’t read your mind: if you don’t speak up when you’re upset, there’s no way for them to assume responsibility or change. If you do mention your hurt feelings and your partner sincerely apologizes, forgive them and let it go. Don’t bring up past issues if they’re not relevant.

Conflict resolution in unhealthy relationships

Conflict is normal, but your arguments shouldn’t turn into personal attacks or efforts to lower the other’s self-esteem. If you can’t express yourself without fear of retaliation, you may be experiencing abuse.

Learn more about identifying the signs of abuse and get help.
• A common sign of abuse in a relationship is a partner who tries to control or manipulate you.
• Some of the common, unjustified reasons abusive partners give for their attempts at power and control include:
• You choose to spend time with others or doing an activity instead of spending time with them.
• They checked your phone and disapprove of your texts or calls.
• They think you’re cheating or untrustworthy.
• You’re not ready to have sex.
• You’re trying to study or work when they want your attention.

Relationships & cultural context
Relationships look different depending on the community and cultural context you’re living in. While dating abuse takes many forms and can affect anyone and everyone, the ways in which it does so may differ depending on your circumstances. Particularly in the United States—a country with broad existing inequities on the basis of race, gender, sexuality, ability, class, education, and any number of other identifications—certain people may face greater risks of experiencing abuse. Remember to consider your individual circumstances when deciding how best to respond to abuse. Learn more about relationships in various cultural contexts by exploring the topics below. This information is just a start — there’s a lot more to understanding abuse in different settings than what’s depicted here, and a lot more different settings in which to understand abuse.

Even if your specific situation isn’t depicted below, many of the warning signs of abuse and other cultural dynamics may have similarities to abuse in your community.
FOR MORE INFORMATION CLICK HERE: https://www.loveisrespect.org/everyone-deserves-a-healthy-relationship/relationships-and-cultural-context/

WATCH NOW: https://youtu.be/Or9023Jp0jk