Safety Plan
If you feel that you are potentially be involved in a violent relationship, it is important to plan for your safety as well as that of your children and pets. A safety plan is a personalized, practical plan that outlines strategies for enhancing your safety during the relationship, while you prepare to leave, and after the relationship ends.
What is a Safety Plan?
A safety plan includes actions that can help lower your risk of being hurt by your partner. The information your safety plan is specific to your situation and is designed to increase your safety at school, home, and other places you regularly go.
Create a Safety Plan
Additionally, we have advocates available to assist you in creating your safety plan.
Please call us at (936) 441-4044 ext. 23.
Technology & Safety
Technology and the Internet are powerful tools for anyone experiencing domestic violence. They can be essential resources for accessing information and help. They are also valuable platforms for connecting with friends, family members, advocates, and other service providers. Unfortunately, they can also be used by abusive partners to commit harassment and stalking, making it all the more important to ensure your safety online. Check out TechSafety Survivor Resources for more information.
Pet Safety
Protect the ones you love — all of them. Planning for your loved ones’ safety means planning for the safety of your pets. While your personal safety should always be your first priority, it’s important to consider how your pets fit into any plans you make to leave.
Not only is there a significant chance that victims of domestic abuse will own a companion animal, it is also highly likely that they will be reluctant to part with their pets due to strong, familial attachments to them. It is a sobering fact that nearly 25% of battered women will remain in an abusive situation out of fear for their pet’s safety, typically because they believe that their partner will harm or kill their pet.
What is a Safety Plan?
A safety plan includes actions that can help lower your risk of being hurt by your partner. The information your safety plan is specific to your situation and is designed to increase your safety at school, home, and other places you regularly go.
Create a Safety Plan
Although you can’t control an abuser’s use of violence, you can plan how you will respond to future abusive or violent incidents, prepare for the possibility of an incident happening, and plan how get to safety. It is your decision if and when you tell others that you have been abused, or that you are still at risk.
Additionally, we have advocates available to assist you in creating your safety plan.
Please call us at (936) 441-4044 ext. 23.
Technology & Safety
Technology and the Internet are powerful tools for anyone experiencing domestic violence. They can be essential resources for accessing information and help. They are also valuable platforms for connecting with friends, family members, advocates, and other service providers. Unfortunately, they can also be used by abusive partners to commit harassment and stalking, making it all the more important to ensure your safety online. Check out TechSafety Survivor Resources for more information.
Pet Safety
Protect the ones you love — all of them. Planning for your loved ones’ safety means planning for the safety of your pets. While your personal safety should always be your first priority, it’s important to consider how your pets fit into any plans you make to leave.
Not only is there a significant chance that victims of domestic abuse will own a companion animal, it is also highly likely that they will be reluctant to part with their pets due to strong, familial attachments to them. It is a sobering fact that nearly 25% of battered women will remain in an abusive situation out of fear for their pet’s safety, typically because they believe that their partner will harm or kill their pet.
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