Volunteer Opportunities
We love our volunteers!
We cannot accomplish our mission and operate our agency without the help of our dedicated volunteers. These caring individuals give from their hearts as they assist us with a myriad of activities:
Please note that some volunteer opportunities require additional training.
Some of the training is on-the-job at the resale store or as an administrative volunteer in our offices.
There are many ways you can help! If you have any questions or need more information, please call
936-441-4044, ext. 45 or email volunteer@mcwctx.org
Provide clerical support to staff such as filing, organizing, data entry, answering phones (NOT Hotline) and other office duties. Assist with special events such as fundraisers and bulk mailings throughout the year.
Answer the crisis hotline and provide crisis intervention to survivors of domestic violence and/or sexual assault and make referrals to other agencies when appropriate. Please note additional training is required for this volunteer position. (40 hour Advocacy Training)
Assist shelter staff with child care at special events such as baseball games, circus, movies, or provide child care to clients’ children at the shelter or Reaching Pines.
Assist the staff in a variety of retail and stocking duties.
Provide crisis intervention and assistance to shelter residents and assist the Shelter staff with a variety of tasks. Please note additional training is required for crisis intervention volunteer positions. (40 hour Advocacy Training)
We have opportunities for groups of all ages to become involved. To learn about the specific needs of the agency or if you have a project idea or wish to help in some specific way, please call us (936) 441-4044 ext. 45 or email Volunteer@mcwctx.org .
To start making a difference in someone’s life, download the Volunteer Application from the link above or contact the Volunteer Manager: (936) 441-4044 ext. 45
You may fax, mail or hand deliver the application to our administrative offices.
What Montgomery County Women’s Center
Means to Me
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