Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault
24 Hour Crisis Hotline:

(936) 441-7273

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Línea directa de crisis para casos de violencia
doméstica y agresión sexual las 24 horas:

(936) 441-7273

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Going through a victimization often leaves you with a lot of surprise expenses and it can take a little while for our clients to adjust to their new budget, so we try to assist with food and fuel as we can. Gift cards can truly help ensure that a victim who is getting on their feet has food and fuel when they need it. Grocery store gift cards can be used to help provide survivors and families with items suited to their specific needs.

Donations can be dropped (or mailed) to: Montgomery County Women’s Center: 1401 Airport Rd, Conroe, TX 77301 (Attn: Siomara)

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