- Use your social media to send a message to victims of domestic violence, that you stand with them.
- Share a photo of you (or a group of you) wearing purple and share your “WHY”.
- Make sure to TAG us!!!! #WhyIwearPurpleTX Facebook: @Montgomery County Women’s Center Twitter & Instagram: @officialmcwc
- Upload one of your sample “ASK ME WHY I WEAR PURPLE” profile pictures to your social media.
Millions of people all over America are wearing purple for Domestic Violence Awareness Month in October. Will you join us? Since the early 1900’s, purple and lavender have been used to represent women’s rights and causes. In October, 1987, the first DV awareness month activities ever held joined in the proud purple tradition.
Freedom from violence is a basic human right – not only for women, but for people of color, abused LGBTQ+ persons, trafficked people, battered men, and young people who suffer harm caused by the cruel assertion of power and control.
Domestic and dating violence is not just physical harm. It also includes emotional, mental, financial, and sexual abuse. It can involve the victim’s possessions, employer, family pets, extended family, and others who are targeted in the abuser’s efforts to cause harm to the victim. In all cases, the abuser uses controlling behaviors in a continuing cycle to get and maintain power and control.
The National Domestic Violence Resource Center reports that nearly 75% of Americans personally know someone who has been a victim of abuse. Domestic violence is the leading cause of injury to women – more than car accidents, muggings, and rapes combined. And while 85% of battered people are women, 15% are not. In the U.S., domestic violence is so common that it happens to someone every 9 seconds.
So why do victims stay? Why does so much domestic violence go unreported? Victims stay because they’re afraid to leave, and they leave when they’re afraid to stay. Many abusers control the finances, leaving victims with no independent means of support. And ultimately, reporting violence to the authorities increases the abuser’s anger and violence. Often, it just isn’t safe or easy for people to leave abusive situations. In addition, many batterers and victims drink and use drugs together, making escape from violence that much harder.