Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault
24 Hour Crisis Hotline:

(936) 441-7273

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Línea directa de crisis para casos de violencia
doméstica y agresión sexual las 24 horas:

(936) 441-7273

About Us2025-03-05T12:14:56-06:00

Agency History

The Montgomery County Women’s Center (originally known as the Montgomery County Rape Crisis Coalition) began as a volunteer, grassroots organization in the fall of 1980. Its original purpose was to provide crisis intervention, counseling, and support services to victims of sexual violence. In 1986, the Rape Crisis Coalition merged with Family Violence Outreach (FVO), a satellite program of the Houston Area Women’s Center. The agency’s first shelter for battered women and children opened its doors in 1985. The following summer, the Board of Directors of the Houston Area Women’s Center requested that FVO incorporate as an independent, private organization and dissolve its relationship with the Houston Area Women’s Center. At that time, the two organizations (the Montgomery County Rape Crisis Coalition and Family Violence Outreach) merged under the name of the Montgomery County Women’s Center. The original charter and purpose were expanded to include emergency shelter, counseling, and support services for victims of both family and sexual violence.

On January 1, 1987, with only eight staff members, the Montgomery County Women’s Center assumed responsibility for all local services previously offered by the Houston Area Women’s Center. Shortly thereafter, it became a 50l(c)(3) non-profit organization. MCWC has proudly served Montgomery County and its surrounding communities for more than 40 years. We specialize in providing survivors a complete continuum of services and empowering them as they courageously embark on their healing journeys.

Residential and Non-Residential Services Include:

Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault 24 Hour Crisis Hotline



Outreach &


Advocacy &

Counseling &
Support Groups

Walk-in appointments are welcome for advocacy and crisis intervention at both our Conroe office and our Woodlands location.

All services are provided at no cost with the exception of income-based rent for transitional supportive housing. Reaching Pines, a 24-unit transitional housing program, offers qualifying individuals and families rent on a sliding-fee-scale, as well as counseling, case management, life skills groups, and children’s enrichment activities.  The Montgomery County Women’s Center provides services to clients of many diverse backgrounds. We do not discriminate against any person based on gender, age, race, religion, national origin, cultural background, disability, or sexual orientation.

Agency Mission

Our mission is to lead the effort in preventing domestic violence and sexual assault through crisis intervention, assistance, advocacy, empowerment, and social change.

Agency Philosophy

At the Montgomery County Women’s Center, we believe in the right of all persons to live without fear, abuse, oppression, and violence. We recognize the strength and courage it takes to begin the process of healing from all types of abuse, including physical, psychological, sexual, economic, and spiritual. In order to heal, we provide survivors an opportunity to experience a safe, secure, and supportive environment to regain their personal strength and restore their lives.

The staff and volunteers at the Montgomery County Women’s Center are committed to a culture of kindness that puts compassion into practice in the following ways:

  • We listen to survivors to identify and address fears and apprehensions.

  • We empower survivors to make informed personal choices by offering education, options, and resources.

  • We communicate in a respectful manner that is free of victim blaming.

  • We promote non-violent solutions when interpersonal problems arise.

  • We work cooperatively to identify the survivors’ immediate needs and encourage the utilization of personal strengths to overcome obstacles.

  • We model healthy relationships by respecting boundaries and the inherent right of self-determination.

With a guiding vision of empowerment, we acknowledge that survivors are the experts of their own lives. Therefore, at the Montgomery County Women’s Center, we strive to facilitate the journey from surviving to thriving.

Key Staff

Continuous Quality Improvement

As part of our ongoing commitment to excellence in service delivery, we have established a Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) team. The CQI process is a “checks-and-balances” mechanism for ensuring that our protocols align with best industry practices. The team meets semi-regularly to review outcome data and address other process, procedural, and quality-related concerns.

Part of the CQI process involves asking, “How are we doing?” and “How can we improve?” This reflective approach has encouraged us to:

  • Remain up-to-date on evidence-based practices
  • Identify, plan, and implement improvements

  • Analyze the effectiveness of the changes

Staff, volunteer, and client feedback are essential to the CQI process. The CQI meetings allow for open and honest participant communication while acknowledging each program’s respective strengths and needs. Action plans are provided to frontline staff for additional feedback and review prior to policy change implementation. The CQI Team’s mission is to go beyond quality assurance by identifying improvements that meet or exceed established industry benchmarks.





Annual Report


Annual Report


Annual Report


Annual Report


What Montgomery County Women’s Center

Means to Me

I used to think I was alone in the world and that nobody would understand that I was an outcast – that I’d be the one to stand out in a sea of people. Then I finally told someone my story. I found the women’s center – a place for my voice to be heard, a place where I found my voice, a place where people understand me more where the weight on my shoulders wasn’t so great – a safe place – the first place I genuinely laughed and smiled – a place to cry where no one judges. “Broken wings will heal and one day you will fly again.”

-- Stephanie
Teen Space Support Group Participant

The Montgomery County Women’s Center came into my life when I needed it the most, but I didn’t know that at the time. Being in an abusive relationship you think that YOU were doing something wrong or you can “fix” them. When I started to hear the patterns and then see the patterns, I knew I needed to change something. That change ended up being hard but they were with me through those hard times. I can honestly say that I’m in a better place now because of the work they did for me and with me.

-- Rob
High School Teacher

The Women’s Center plays a critical role in restoring the lives of individuals in our community. As an advocacy agency they continue to contribute to assisting without placing judgment or expectations upon those who are in need of their services. It is a true example of how lives can change when a combination of understanding and compassion meet.

-- Amber Dana
Community Partner/Advocate

If one year ago today you told me I’d be coming to a teen group & a part of the Youth Advisory Committee I’d look at you crazy. I never thought I’d be happy again. The Women’s Center has given me hope, courage, support. A place where I know I have a voice, where I know I can be open; truly. I can now say I’m a strong individual; I can set boundaries. I am more than what happened to me, I’m stronger, I’m better. Being a part of this group has helped me see my worth. It has changed my life for the better.

-- Samantha
Teen Space Support Group Participant

Montgomery County Women’s Center means empowerment, courage, love, & stability. The people here don’t pity me but they share empathy with me; they hear me. The counseling at has helped so much. It has helped me understand that it wasn’t my fault and to take control of the situation. It’s more of a safe place to let all my thoughts out.

-- Daisy
Support Group Participant

The Women’s Center has been one of the biggest blessings of my life. At the shelter I felt safe and was given resources to be able to stand on my own – away from my abuser. Then at Reaching Pines, I feel very supported and appreciate learning how to protect myself and notice red flags in future relationships.

-- Susan
Reaching Pines Resident

The Montgomery County Women’s Center is truly a life saver! The services provided are just invaluable. There really are no words to express my appreciation. The material covered through the Personal Empowerment Program classes is very well put together and I feel so fortunate to have been able to attend and gain knowledge.

-- Ashley
Domestic Violence Education Class Participant

For my students, The Women’s Center opens up a conversation about topics that are not always easy to address. It provides impactful information that can be eye opening and new to some, but very emotionally relevant to others. They then can take this information and related issues into their future work place, home, relationships. It can teach them what a healthy relationship is and what red flags to look for. Having the Outreach Team come speak to them is a wonderful teaching tool.

-- Susie
Sam Houston State University Professor

To the community Montgomery County Women’s Center means fellowship. It give us an identity and strength. It provides a reason to come together and work for a purpose and to surround each other with support.

-- Courtney
Sam Houston State University Professor

To me, The Women’s Center means the ability to start over on my own. It means new found freedom and assistance. To the community it means HOPE.

-- Jasmine
Counseling Client

For me, The Montgomery County Women’s Center is a lighthouse where there was once darkness. It is a place of healing.

-- Doris
Counseling Client

My volunteer experience has been so positive. Everyone who I come into contact here, every staff person, has been so helpful. It has made my experience very supportive. Being able to look back on the last two years and think about how many hours I’ve been on-call and how many people I’ve been able to talk to, it’s such a good feeling. Knowing that I’ve made a difference in my community and, hopefully, in the lives of those survivors is the best feeling and an amazing experience.

-- Sharon

The Montgomery County Women’s Center helped me realize the impact I can make in another’s life with only a few words!

-- Jamie

The Montgomery County Women’s Center means education. They provide the most comprehensive training for volunteers to be ready on their first shift. I am learning everyday through my work with them. My mind is more open.

-- Scarlett

The Women’s Center means the realization that as a community we are not doing enough to protect, believe, and empower survivors. By supporting the center I am able to change that.

-- Justin

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2024 Annual Report

Advocating for Justice, Empowering through Empathy This report is dedicated to the incredible donors, volunteers, staff, and supporters whose unwavering [...]

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